Is Your Car Shaking? Here’s Why

mechanic fixing tire on lifted vehicle

Have you noticed your car shaking recently? If so, it’s crucial for the safety of you and your loved ones to seek out answers. Big Chief Tire is here to teach you everything you need to know in order to improve the performance and safety of your vehicle. Learn about some of the most common causes of car shaking and how you can fix the issue.

Faulty Engine

One of the first steps is to determine whether the shaking only occurs when the car is in motion, or if it continues when the vehicle idles. If your car continues to shake while idle, the problem could be engine-related. Faulty spark plugs are a common culprit that lead to shaking, so make sure to check your connections. Most spark plugs have an estimated lifespan of between 80,000 and 100,000 miles. If your spark plugs are all still functioning, your engine air filter may need to be changed out in order to alleviate the shaking.

Pad and Rotor Problems

If shaking only occurs while slowing down, then your brakes are likely the source of the problem. The two main components of brakes that take the most wear and tear are brake pads and rotors. Both will wear down over time, so ensure that your brakes are visually inspected by a professional whenever your car is serviced.

Bent or Dented Axles

Typical passenger vehicles have two axles—one to connect the front wheels and another to connect the rear wheels to the chassis. If you notice that the shaking is at its most intense when you are accelerating, your vehicle could have a bent or dented axle. Most often, axles become damaged due to hitting something on the road such as a deep pothole. Additionally, you should have the CV joints and driveshaft checked to make sure they have not experienced excess wear.

Loose Wheels

A loose wheel can wiggle and cause a car to shake, even at steady speeds. This usually causes the steering wheel to feel unstable as well. 

Unbalanced Tires

Tires must be carefully balanced in order to remain secure when in contact with the road surface. If one or more tires has come out of balance, you may notice vibrations coming from lower in the car. Alternatively, your tires could be wearing unevenly, which means it’s time for a rotation. In either case, properly maintaining your tires is vital to prevent shaking and vibration.

From your engine to your tires and everywhere in between, there could be many reasons your vehicle is shaking, and the cause may not be immediately clear. The best way to quickly discover the source of the problem is to explain the situation to an auto repair expert. At Big Chief Tire auto shop in Jacksonville, FL, auto professionals can help diagnose the problem and perform preventative maintenance to ensure your vehicle is ready for the road. Schedule an appointment with Big Chief Tire for all your auto repair needs.

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